Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Big sports day!

TJ Baseball home kickoff game at 4: 00, followed by boys and girls soccer at Loos.

Four days...

Folks, the clock is ticking.  We start work on our final TAKS-style essay today.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Five days...

Folks, we have five days of instructional time (not including today) until TAKS. By Friday of this week we need to completely finish the triplet that we are working on. Next week on Monday and Tuesday we are going to do a last minute review over everything that we need to know for the test.  Also, remember that we have tutoring before and after school and pullout sessions on Wednesday and Thursday. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

Funeral for "C"

Guys, please refer to the rubric for open-ended questions.  Too many of us are giving poor or inadequate responses for the connect section of the open-ended answers.  As a result of this, we will no longer be including "C". Please limit your responses to only the "A" and "B" parts.

Six more days...

Ladies and gentlemen, we are progressing nicely.  However, I am beginning to see a lack of focus on the part of some students. Now is not the time to start losing our grasp of the importance of coming to class ready to learn.  Remember open-ended questions need a lot of work.  A surprising number of people left these blank on the packet that we have been working on.  Expect to be addressing this in class. Thank you.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Great job TJ soccer teams!

TJ boy and girl soccer teams pull off tremendous wins! We're proud of you!
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Saturday tutoring

Guys, I just want to thank everyone who came out to Saturday tutoring. We got a lot of work done. Remember, there will be tutoring before and after school all this week, and next Saturday, in anticipation of TAKS on the 7th.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Great job today at the Black History Month assembly! I'm very proud of everybody.
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Tomorrow's soccer game at Franklin, not Loos

Correction! Tomorrow's soccer game will be held at Franklin Stadium at 11:30, not Loos. Thanks!

Binder tabs

Seven more days...

Folks, we only have seven instructional days remaining before the TAKS test.  I hope to see you all working hard.  Today we will have a test and binder check. Afterwards, please enjoy your weekend.  I'll be seeing some of you for tutoring on Saturday and afterwards the soccer team will be playing a huge game at Loos. I hope to see you all there.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


We made it! Almost the weekend.
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End of the fourth six-weeks tomorrow!

beware of the six-weeks test........... and binder check..........

TAKS word list

1. Analogy           drawing a comparison in order to show a similarity in some respect such as words having a similar relationship
2. Analyze           break down into parts and explain the parts
3. Chronological Order   events put in order in which they occurred
4. Classify            arrange into groups by common qualities
5. Compare         to tell how things or people are alike
6. Concept          grouping of objects, events, or ideas that have similar characteristics.
7. Conclude        determine something based on information and reasoning
8. Conflict            struggle between opposing forces or people
9. Consecutive  one after another in order
10. Contrast        to tell how things or people are different

Open-Ended Question Format

TAKS Skeleton

Hello from Ms. Madden

Students in 7th period, I believe in you and I know you are the greatest students of all.  May your day be studious and fulfilled in doing the best on the TAKS.  I know you can perform at your greatest level.  Go get it!

Pre-AP writing assignment for Metamorphosis

Discuss three possible meanings of Metamorphosis.  Please write a "college-style" paper consisting of five paragraphs. This paper is due March 9th. As always, remember this paper should be double-spaced. Use MLA format.

Open-Ended Question Rubric

Mr. Mikesell's Class Notes: All Classes: Open-Ended Question Rubric: Please copy the following rubric and add it to your English binder notes. Open-Ended Question Rubric Score Point Correct Response Embedded...

Eight days left!

As we approach closer to the TAKS test let us reflect over how far we've come. Think of how much you have learned this year. Please take a few moments every day to try and remember the strategies that you've learned in class. Picture them in your mind. A few minutes each day is far better than trying to cram all of the information the weekend before the test. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Nine days until TAKS!

Folks, we have made a lot of progress in class and I am very proud of everybody.  However, we still have a lot of work to do.  Open-ended questions are going to be targeted in the next few days.

Saturday TAKS tutoring

Saturday tutoring sessions will be held from 9:00-12:00 on February 25th and March 3rd. Hope to see you all there! This will be mandatory for some students.