Friday, May 2, 2014

Booklet example

ACT II Summary

It is the night of March 14th, the conspirators meet and plan to assassinate Caesar the following morning.  Many omens warn of a major catastrophe that day. The fake note is delivered to Brutus. He decides to join the conspiracy.  He refuses to tell Portia, his wife, what his plans are.

Background information

In 53 BC Crassus died. This ends the first triumvirate and sets Caesar and Pompey against one another.
Pompey is chased to Egypt where he dies.
Caesar returns to Rome and is declared dictator for life.

This is where the play begins……

Stoic vs. Epicurean (Julius Caesar)


-Naïve, gullible, Value, Ethics, Honor, righteous, wrong
-Right vs. Wrong
Cruelty and injustice gives us the opportunity for virtue
REASON must dominate

-Trying to turn Brutus against Caesar
-Persuasive, Individuality, freedom, Self-gain, Envy?

Men control their fates
Free Will
Does not fear God
Does not fear Death!

Julius Caesar table of contents

Antigone themes