Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Lord of the Flies Interactive Notebook Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Cover Sheet -1 page numbers-1
1.  Table of Contents-1
2.  Background Info-1
3.  Ralph-5
4.  Piggy-5
5.  Jack-5
6.  Simon-5
7.  Conch -2 /Beastie-2
8.  Fire-2/Face Paint-2
9.  Lord of the Flies-2/Piggy’s Glasses-2
10.                   Smoke-2/Paratrooper-2
11.                   ­­Tone-4
12.                   Tone- 4
13.                   T-Chart Savagery vs. Civilized
14.                   Chapter 8: 5 question and summary
15.                   Venn- Diagram

16.                   Connector