Thursday, May 26, 2016

the things they carried project

The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien
1954-75 (U.S. involved, 1961-75)
  • U.S. troops engaged: 8,744,000
  • American battle deaths: 47,410
  • The U.S. helped non-Communist South Vietnam fight the invasion by Communist North Vietnam (Viet Cong).




1.           Trait; (Quote) pg.#

2.           Trait; (Quote) pg.#



Character Traits





1.           Spin: “You take your material where you find it, which is in your life, at the intersection of past and present.”
2.            Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong:
This is not truly a story of Mary Anne’s transformation: It’s more about storytelling and the loss of innocence.
Many of the soldiers are represented by Mary Anne: They, too, left America as young and naïve, and like her, they lost their innocence in Vietnam. Eventually, they all crossed over into the dark side of the war experience, and their innocent selves were lost for good.

3.Speaking of Courage:
Compelling metaphor: The sewage field represents an unpleasant, meaningless battle that none of the soldiers can escape; literally Kiowa, and symbolically Bowker, whose wading into the lake he drives around (and even tasting it) signals his desire to return to Vietnam to change the events that ended Kiowa’s life.
This is O'Brien's search for authenticity in storytelling: Most of his writing comes from the “simple need to talk,” illustrating that his writing is his chosen form of relief from mental anguish.
 5.In the Field
No one emerges emotionally intact from the three perspectives of “In The Field.”
When the men discover Kiowa’s body, they are overwhelmed by the sense of “bad luck” that caused his death – bad luck that could have claimed (and still could claim) any one of them

6. The Lives of the Dead
This is the story that encapsulates the novel’s purpose: writing in order to make sense of life, especially in relation to others’ deaths.
Linda is O’Brien’s first love – and his first realization that fiction can overcome death. When this beautiful, little child dies, her innocence, and O’Brien’s, dies with her.
Linda’s visits to O’Brien’s dreams begin a life-long process of addressing difficulty through imagination and illusion: an ability he carried with him to Vietnam.
By keeping Linda alive – as well as his Vietnam comrades – O’Brien is keeping himself alive.

Key Chapters

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Odyssey

Odyssey = Epic  Epic=Long Narrative Poem

Story begins “in media res”. The Trojan War has just ended and Odysseus must journey home.


    1.  Odysseus is loyal. It says, “while he fought only to save his life, to bring his shipmates home”. This is because he was committed to his men.

2.  Odysseus is tough. It says, “all the gods had pitied lord odysseus except Poseidon, raging cold and rough against the brave king”.  He is tough because he is able to survive Poseidon’s waters.

3.  Odysseus is ___________. It says, “__________”.
This is because __________________.

Hero Trait

Fate of a Nation
Life and Death



Interactive Map

Hero Journey

Friday, April 22, 2016




For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so


B- bring evidence

Literary Analysis 3-7-5
Narrative- Freeform
Research 3-5-5-3
Poetry Analysis
T- tone
W-word choice

Expository Skeleton

Strong opening statement. Strong opening statement two.  Thesis statement that controls the entire essay.
      Define the problem. Categorize the situation. Detail one. Detail that supports thesis one.  Transition word and detail two.  Support detail three. Transition word and support detail four. Compare and contrast.  Problem and solution. Final detail with transition word.
      In conclusion, Restate thesis one.  Big picture sentence two. Text-to-world sentence.  Text-to-world sentence.  Text-to-world sentence. Talk about the future.  Strong closing sentence.


Research Frayer

Research Essay
Prompt: What theme about war is the author of both the novel and the poem “All The Things They Carried” trying to convey?
General Statement

Quote 1

Quote 2

Life Lesson or text-to-world

Research Essay skeleton

Research Essay Skeleton
General Statement. Specific statement. Thesis statement.
      Topic sentence. Quote #1. Explain. Explain. Anchor sentence.
      Topic sentence. Quote #2. Explain. Explain. Anchor sentence.
      Restate thesis. Specific Quote. General Statement.

Monday, April 11, 2016

PARCC Frayer

General Statement


Life Lesson

vocabulary words 4/11

Revenge- to inflict injury in return
Skittish- easily frightened
Distinction- separation into different groups
Rectitude- quality of being moral
Surreal- outside the realms of normalcy

Precede-to go before

Thursday, April 7, 2016

PARCC Skeleton

General statement about topic (hook). Specific statement about topic. Love changed Romeo because_____________. (thesis).
      Topic sentence about quote. “Insert Quote Here”. Write quote in your own words. Analyze Quote. Analyze Quote. Analyze Quote. Anchor Sentence.
      Restate thesis. Life Lesson. Specific Statement. General Statement. Concluding Sentence.

      Hunting has been a very popular sport over time. “The Most Dangerous Game” is a story focusing on this tradition. Rainsford did not change his perspective on hunting because he enjoyed himself after killing General Zaroff.
      In the end of the story, Rainsford was very comfortable with his situation. The story says, “He had never slept in a better bed”. Although he had hunted for many years Rainsford never expected to be on the other side.  He quickly realized that it was a horrible experience. However, when he was victorious he only thirsted for the kill more. We know this because of his “better bed”. Even though he had suffered he still felt positively about his experience.
      The hunting of another man only satisfied Rainsford’s thirst for blood. People strive to survive because this is a basic human necessity. Rainsford saw hunting as a means towards this end. All civilizations have hunted for this reason. Therefore, in the future we can see that hunting will never disappear.


Romeo and Juliet Frayer Model

Does love change Romeo or Juliet?
If so, how? If not, why not?
General Statement


Life Lesson